Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Battle Realms Winter Of The Wolf

Release Date 11 November 2002

Battle Realms Winter Of The Wolf Game Info:
Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf is the expansion pack of the real-time strategy computer game Battle Realms, developed by Liquid Entertainment and Crave Entertainment and published by Ubisoft.

Winter of the Wolf is placed in a historical fantasy setting largely inspired by martial arts movies and anime. The player controls a range of military units in order to complete objectives set in a series of campaigns. These units can be commanded to construct useful buildings or fortifications or attack enemy units or buildings. Player controlled units can be grouped together in order to coordinate movement and attacks.

The game is broken down into a series of 11 single-player campaigns and 30 multi player maps. The campaigns start off simple in nature, with the player controlling a single character. As the story unfolds, military units are encountered that ally themselves to the player. In later campaigns, the player can order the construction of buildings and units in order to complete objectives and solve puzzles.

System Requirements:

System: PIII 733 or equivalent
Video Memory: 16 MB
RAM: 128 MB
Hard Drive Space: 600 MB

  • Link Download lokal Indowebster(5 Part @ 95 MB kecuali part ke 5 @ Server 51 IDWS):
Part 1 http://adf.ly/6RXb Part 2 http://adf.ly/6RXj Part 3 http://adf.ly/6RXm Part 4 http://adf.ly/6RXp Part 5 http://adf.ly/6RXr
Password: carlos_roy_fajarta@idws

  • Link Download MediaFire (2 Part @ 200 MB kecuali part terakhir @ MF):
Part 1 http://adf.ly/6RY0 Part 2 http://adf.ly/6RY2
Password: carlos_roy_fajarta@idws

Notes: Hapus Ekstensi Rar, Join 2 Part dengan HJSplit, Install Seperti Biasa 

  • Link Download MegaUpload (1 Part @ 394,43 MB @ MU):
Password: carlos_roy_fajarta@idws

Notes: Tinggal di ekstrak saja, Install seperti biasa 

  • Battle Realms Winter Of The Wolf Crack  No-CD Fixed EXE:

Panduan (IDWS Link): Sebelum Menginstall Game ini anda harus install Battle Realms sebelumnya
1. Download Link tersebut setiap part
2. Hapus Ekstensi Rar Paling Belakang ke 5 part File tersebut
3. Join dengan HJSplit
4. Ekstrak Dengan Winrar Folder Battle Realms Winter Of The Wolf dari hasil Join HJSplit tersebut
5. Jalankan Setup (gagal apabila anda belum menginstall Battle Realms sebelumnya, maka pastikan Battle Realms sebelumnya sudah anda install)
6. Copy krack ke Folder tempat anda install
7. Bila Game meminta CD, maka buatlah Virtual Drive Menggunakan Daemon Tools dengan Hasil Ekstrak Installer mentahan tersebut.
8. Bila masih belum bisa juga dengan virtual drive, pakai patch dari link ini:

Battle Realms Winter Of The Wolf v1.0 [ENGLISH] No-CD Fixed EXE:

Password: carlos_roy_fajarta@idws 


Downloading GameRanger for Windows
If your GameRanger download did not start automatically, click here.

1. Run the GameRanger Setup application.
Open the file GameRangerSetup.exe and click Install.
If a message appears asking if you are sure you want to run this file, click Run.

2. Create a new free account.
GameRanger will prompt you to create a new GameRanger account or use an existing one, and you will need to enter your valid e-mail address. You should use the address your friends are most likely to know.

3. Activate your account and log in.
Within minutes you should receive a confirmation e-mail to activate your GameRanger account. If it's not in your inbox, try looking in your junk folder, and mark it as a trusted-sender, or "not spam." Adding the sender to your address book is also a good idea.

4. Invite your friends.
Under the Community menu, there are various options to invite your friends to try GameRanger. You can also search to see if they already have GameRanger accounts.

5. Host or Join a game.
To join an existing game, select a game room from the list and click Join Game. If the game room has a green dot next to it, then it is already playing. Some games do not allow you to join if they have already started. Alternatively, you can create a new game by clicking Host Game.

GameRanger requires Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Mac OS X.

Tutorial Bermain Battle Realms Online Via Game Ranger:

1. Silahkan Download program gameranger di sini www.gameranger.com

2. Pastikan Game Battle Realms nya sudah terinstall di Komputer anda

3. Instal Program gameranger seperti biasa

4. Sewaktu menginstall, dia akan sekalian meminta anda untuk membuat ID baru, jadi silahkan ikuti saja perintahnya, dan nanti anda diminta memasukkan E-mail, karna nanti akan ada E-mail Notification untuk Activation ID yg dikirim ke email (Terkadang email nya masuk ke spam, jd bisa dicek di folder spam)

5. ini tampilan Main windows nya

ini tampilan Chat list nya (seperti YM biasa)

5. silahkan pilih game Battle Realms atau Battle Realms: Winter of The Wolf, Terserah mau maen nya yg mana..

6. ini tampilan jika kita jadi Host atau kita bikin Room Sendiri

kita tinggal tunggu orang lain atau teman kita masuk room kita ini..
jadi menunggu atau mengumpulkan Teman2 yg mau diajak bermain bersama nya disini, bukan di dalam game battle realms nya..
jika sudah terkumpul semua di dalam room ini..
silahkan klik start yg ada di kanan bawah..
maka dengan otomatis kita akan masuk ke program game battle realms nya..
dan teman2 kita yg menjadi Away juga akan otomatis masuk ke program game battle realms nya juga..

7. ini gambar jika kita join room org lain atau kita menjadi away..

di kanan bawah tidak ada tombol start..
jadi kita tinggal menunggu yg menjadi host untuk start..
jika sudah di start oleh si host, maka kita akan otomatis masuk ke program battle realms nya..

8. Jika sudah masuk ke program Battle Realms nya, anda smua pasti sudah mengerti..

9. Silahkan Enjoy Bermain Bersama2 dengan Teman2 anda...

gameranger ini tidak untuk battle realms saja, tapi bs juga untuk warcraft III atau Dota dan untuk game2 lain jg bisa..
bisa cek daftar list game yg ada disini http://www.gameranger.com/games/

Semoga Senang,.,^^

7 komentar:

  1. gan, kok pas na salaha buat Data.cab nya dah, mohon pencerahannya

  2. gan tolong itu kalo yang tampilan awalnya ada gambar kenji hologram trus tiap menu jadi gambar lambang masing2 clan, itu gimana gan caranya bisa kaya gitu. tolong gan bantuin. kirim ke linknya ke email aku gan abe.vladimir@gmail.com. mksih bnyk gan..

  3. Pass nya knapa ngak bisa bro...?

  4. gan pass crack no cd exe nya apa?

  5. Eh mas bro
    lu ada crack CD movie nya gak si carlos cuma
    punya crack battle realms.exe nya doang!!

    sblumnya thanks ya
    kapan" kunjung blog ua ya mas bro

  6. Maaf, link idws, kok setelah di hjsplit, waktu diekstrak filenya corrupt?


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